Friday, March 8, 2019

Slice of Life Day 8: powered by chicken wings

Second night of the show is done! I'm having an interesting reaction to this show that I don't normally have. I'm not counting down the days until I don't have to do it anymore. Often after opening night is over I feel like I've accomplished what I set out to achieve and I'm ready to move on to something new. That hasn't happened with this play. Maybe it's the fact that I wrote it. Or maybe it's that my director and costar are just really great to spend time with. This is the first time that I'm really relishing every night that we get to create this show together instead of twiddling my thumbs in anxiety to move on.

And how is this for wild? My friend... That feels weird to say. She's not my friend. She's like a part of me? I would say she's like a sister but she's more than that. Soul mate might be more appropriate but not like just of this life. Like our souls probably travel in parallel throughout the universe and we just decided to try this time and place out for a bit before we moved on. But I guess it's easier to just say friend so wellw stick with that. My "friend" and her wonderful husband and their two amazing kiddos all flew up from California to come see my play. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? sorry I didn't mean to tell it's just so above and beyond and I can't even express in worfw how grateful I am.

So tonight I plan to post this blog, finish these chicken wings, and get up early enough to head downtown to peruse this city with some of my favorite people on the planet before heading back to the theater and giving this show another run. And don't worry, I'll keep you posted on what happens in between.

1 comment:

  1. Chicken wings are life. So glad you're finding success and have such wonderful support!
