Sunday, March 3, 2019

Slice of Life Day 3: Dress Rehearsal (among other things)

Today's blog post is once again brought to you by talk to text on my phone. This time it's due to the fact that I don't have my laptop and also my phone is about to die so I don't have the time to actually write it out and try to edit it.

I feel like the part that should be the most exciting to write about is the seven hour dress rehearsal that I had today. but if I'm being honest the far more interesting part of my day started at about 2 a.m. last night which is still technically today so I say it still counts. After the world's weirdest Mardi gras party, I spent the night at Erika's house sleeping in her living room among her four cats and one border Collie. After several hours of kitty cat WWE smackdown all around my sleeping areat, 3:45 a.m. hosted a particularly exciting event. Somebody, and I'm not mentioning names (just kidding it was Frank when he was being a total dick) thought it would be a good idea to try and catch a very large mouse and eat it under my bed.

Well I think good old Franklin bit off a little bit more than he could chew because he spent about 20 minutes under my bed with a half dead mouse in his jaws squealing for dear life. Instead of just killing it and eating it like any decent cat would have, he let it continue its intermittent cries while he growled back at it. This in turn riled up the dog who decided to whine at them from across the room.

I tried to block out this horrific event and fall asleep but at that moment the dog decided that he was going to crawl underneath my bed and join the cat and the mouse in a squabble. the only problem is he is taller than the bed is so as he went underneath he raised up the platform that I was laying on. after squeezing out from underneath an emerging over to the side of my bed I feel something drop down on the covers. Yeah you know where this is going.

I tried to very quietly but very forcefully request that the dog remove the dead mouse from the foot of my bed but somehow he was not getting the memo. I found the nearest disposable item near me which happened to be an old cork and use that to push the poor little mouse's body back on the floor so I could try and get some sleep. This time I feel the entire dog at the foot of the bed and now the mouse was on my lap with his smiling face beaming at me. I like to keep calling this a dead mouse but really it was probably only mostly dead which seems more disturbing to me as then I had to put my hands underneath the blanket to fling it off across the room because what else are you supposed to do when someone drops a dead mouse on your lap?

The dog was very disturbed by this and decided to go lay down next to the mouse and stare back up at me with sad puppy dog eyes. I gave absolutely zero fucks and told him if he put that mouse on my bed one more time I was going to burn him alive and shove his remains down the garbage disposal. I don't know if he understood the words but he got the message because the mouse did not end up on my bed again. but also I have no idea what happened to it because it was gone in the morning and nobody was copping to it.

I finally managed to get a little bit of sleep the only other exciting thing that happened was the dog deciding to lay on my pillow at some point and refuse to move so I just used him as a pillow instead. I'm not really sure that was much of a punishment for him but I honestly couldn't care less at that point.

I managed to make it to rehearsal only slightly late after driving a 40-minute distance in 30 minutes with an empty tank of gas. I also forgot to set aside time to eat or drink or anything so I am clearly still a mess but at least had a good time performing my play for an audience for the first time. After that was a mini cast party and then celebrating a friend's birthday at a brewery. I'm now laying in Cameron's bed while he defrosts is freezer and I talk into a cell phone to make a blog post for a challenge that I promised myself that I would complete no matter how ridiculous I have to be in order to make it happen. I am very tired so I am going to pass out now. I will see you tomorrow for another episode of this unpredictable whirlwind I call a life.

1 comment:

  1. I would have been screaming my head off with that half dead/now dead mouse situation! oh my goodness.
