Friday, March 15, 2019

Slice of life Day 15: keeping the magic alive

I found these flowers on my windshield this afternoon. I thought they must have been from my friend as she's the only one who would park so far away from work like I do and would recognize my car. Turns out it wasn't her. Alas, a mystery! Could it be a secret admirer? A local from the neighborhood giving me a hint not to park there? A random happenstance between a hiker and a lack of a place to store their trail treasures? Here's all I know: I don't want to know.

I was talking to a friend the other day about his belief in fairies. It's not that he believes in them in like a logical sort of way this is a fellow with a head on his shoulders he understands the way that the world works. But he also understands that if there is room left for mystery then there's room left to wonder. In a moment when he was teaching his nieces about fairies and explaining that they like to play with bells, off in the distance a ringing bell could heard. He told me he understood logically that it wasn't likely an actual fairy ringing a bell to underscore the point he was making, however, he specifically decided not to investigate.

His story really resonated with me. Yes you can prove things yes you can find the solution to your questions but isn't it so much more fun to wonder? Why close the gap of mystery and end the thought processes that take us to faraway places? There can be just as much magic in this world as we want there to be. So I decided to stop asking questions about my flowers because why not let it be a little bit of magic? Reality is rarely as fun.

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