Saturday, March 2, 2019

Slice of Life day 2 colon on the road

I am writing this blog using talk-to-text while driving my car on my way to another event. I am literally so jam-packed with things to do I don't have time to even write a couple of sentences on a computer activities. And I'm not saying that like I hate it. I pretty much have to do this in order to keep myself from melting down with misery or boredom. It ends up that my life sometimes is a little bit frantically insane like it is now. So please excuse all of the grammatical errors you're sure to find, also maybe ignore that giant trash pile in the backseat of my car these days it is a permanent fixture.

I spent a wonderful morning and Vancouver at the Jones house eating delicious homemade brunch and enjoying the sunlight reflecting off of the creek. There were adorable slobbery dogs, and children throwing fake knives at cardboard boxes.this was the perfect way to recharge for a little bit before my rehearsal at the Clinton Street theater. one of The producers was there to critique our show and let us know if it's ready for dress rehearsal tomorrow. it's going pretty well we are just having some issues with it running a little bit long but I think that we can resolve those and that it will all go swimmingly tomorrow.

I'm currently on my way home where I will be picking out an outfit for the Mardi gras party tonight. It is a woman's only party that will be at a country club in scappoose Oregon so I have no idea what is going to happen as this does not fall under anything that I relate to the holiday of Mardi gras. once I figure out what it is I'm going to be wearing I will drive out there where my lovely friend Erica is going to make us tuna melt once I fig to get us energized for the also occurs to me that I probably can't drink so that's going to make it even stranger to figure out what I'm going to be doing at this women only Mardi gras party.

anyway wish me luck I'm sorry that this isn't the most polished of posts I just really wanted to complete this challenge even if I did it and it really subpar awayanyw enjoy this raw unedited peek into what the heck I am doing right now.

PS since I'm driving I will not be able to read what it is that I wrote so we can read it together later tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. YOU ARE AMAZING! Such dedication to the challenge. I am proud of you—grammatical errors and all. :)
