Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Slice of Life Day 6: fudge me in the butt wang

okay holy crap I completely forgot about this whole slice of Life thing so I'm talking into my phone again because I only have 10 minutes until I'm supposed to post so I'm not even going to be able to look at it again this is just going to be one of those whatever the f*** comes out of my mouth kinds of things so sorry in advance.

tonight was supposed to be my last rehearsal for the play tomorrow unfortunately something came up so we weren't able to rehearse so we are going to Huber herzing our new script for their new script changes for the first time tomorrow right before we go onstage so wish us a whole lot of luck with that works out. I feel like it's not going to be that big of a deal because we're all really invested in this going well so no matter what happens when we're up there long as we don't let the audience know I think it'll be fine.

meanwhile I also need to change my costume because I saw a video from our dress rehearsal and I looked like caca poopoo up there so I'm also in the middle of trying to make sure that I wear something that looks good on stage. And by good I don't mean something stupid like I want to look cute thing I mean that looks aesthetically pleasing.

in lieu of her so I was invited to go to a high school state championship basketball game it wasn't maybe it wasn't the state championship maybe it was like an Elmo state championship I don't know I don't do the whole basketball thing. but I really like the green team because the color of their jerseys was really nice also they had the least annoying hairdos. I know these are kids and you're not supposed to make fun of their hairdos but whatever it's not like any of them were reading this they were two man buns on the court tonight.

Afterwards I went out for drinks with two of the assistant coaches and my roommate where they bought us drinks. the person buying drinks is somebody I'm not afraid to order a top-shelf whiskey from let me just say that so yes I had the good stuff.

so yeah sorry this is another shitshow apparently that's just what this is going to be because God damn it if I can't get my life together but on the other hand I'm having a whole lot of fun so I'm just going to go with it. hopefully I will remember to do this tomorrow after opening night does not seem incredibly likely but I'm going to try to make it a priority. cuz at this point it's really just about setting out to complete something that I said I was going to.

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