Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Slice of Life Day 5: Juli Keele - the brand

I am excited to announce that I am now the proud owner of JuliKeele.com! Please, hold your applause. Actually it's okay, you can squeal and jump on the couch like I did. I made this goofy little logo on Microsoft Publisher while I was at work shirking my other responsibilities but if anyone wants to volunteer to make me a better logo, you are totally welcome to do so!

Here's the idea: a website that contains various pages relating to my creative and professional enterprises. The pages will be a bio, blog, events calendar, and links to my works (when they actually start existing). I really don't know much about web design or marketing (or being a writer for that matter) but I figure I'll just fake it until I make it. Or fake it until I become it, as some might say.

There's a part of me that is fighting this new direction. The kind of people who try to brand themselves are usually the kind of people that are easy to make fun of. I'm not holding myself exempt from that as I make fun of myself all the time, but it's very important to me that I don't spill over in the category of "douchebag." How I will keep that from happening, I do not know. Heck, it may have already happened and I just don't know how to recognize it from my current position as occupying my own person.

I'm not sure exactly when my new site will launch, but I am in the process of putting it together. The content and posting frequency for the blog portion of my new site have yet to be decided but I can guarantee they will be more cohesive and regularly updated than this one. I will continue to post every day in the month of March for the Slice of Life Challenge on this platform but after that I will probably deactivate this blog and move to the new one. If there is anything you would like to see changed or if you have any suggestions for my new blog/ website I would be happy to hear from you! The more I write for this blog, the more I realize that I have absolutely no idea how it is coming across to people. Any input would be appreciated. Thank you!

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