Monday, March 4, 2019

Slice of Life Day 4: I found a bag of pizza in my car today

I'm talking into my phone again. Whatever, apparently this is the thing now. I just got back from a comedy show and I only have 30 minutes before midnight so we've got to wrap this up rapid style.

Tonight, somebody told me that they thought I was wise, that they respected my opinion, that I was somebody that they would come to for advice. The thing they didn't know was that I had just found a bag of pizza in my car an hour before hanging out with them. And not like neat slices or anything, I'm talking about a gallon-sized bag containing a sphere of mashed dough and toppings that more closely resembled something that somebody had thrown up.

You may recall from my previous posts that a pile of trash in the back of my vehicle has been a staple as of late. I'm not proud of it and I've been putting off cleaning up that pile of trash for a long time probably because some part of me knew that this was a possible outcome. I wasn't even doing a deep clean, I had bargained with myself that all I had to do was remove any clothing items from the vehicle and then the next day I would pick a new category and so on. the idea was that eventually maybe in a year or so it would actually finally be clean.

But no. I am the lady who finds bags of pizza in her car. The only solution for this is that I can never clean out my car again. Because if I go back in there and I find something equally or possibly more disturbing than that, I'm not really sure how my worldview is going to further disintegrate. I can still continue to live my life albeit rather shamefully knowing that I'm the lady with the bag of Pizza in her car, but what if next time it's a dead bird? A box of baseball cards that I picked up on someone's doorstep? Look I can't even think of anything more disturbing than that that's how far away I'm trying to keep my brain from this scenario.

Okay I'm completely rambling at this point and I only have 5 minutes to post so I mean whatever I'm still doing this challenge. I said that I was going to do it I'm doing it! Nobody said it was going to be good!


  1. I love you my beautiful sweet sparkling daughter :)

  2. I am working around the stupid comment issue! I love that you found a bag of pizza in your car. We are so way related! haha.
