Monday, March 18, 2019

Slice of Life Day 17: walk of shame

And what a beautiful walk it was.

I love that phrase: "walk of shame". Mostly because of how utterly devoid of shame that walk is for me. In fact, it makes me feel like the baddest bitch I know. Stumbling out of a friends house at noon wearing the outfit from the night before and hoofing it towards wherever I left my car or the nearest bus stop. My hair and makeup are a mess cause I've done nothing but destroy them for the past 18 hours. The events of the night return to me in clips and bursts that make me laugh out loud on the street. My black fishnets and high heels draw the attention of small children on Striders as their fathers try very hard to ignore me. Is it judgement or is it desire? Who knows, probably both.

To make things even better, the weather was stunning and I came across this book someone wrote about me in a free box on the side of the road. I'm kidding it's not about me specifically, just about my people; women whose sexuality has been demonized for thousands of years... I guess I just mean women. Anyhoo, I stopped into a nearby cafe to get some breakfast and a much-needed kombucha and jot down some ideas for my next play (spoiler alert: it's going to be awesome).

After hosing myself down and donning my new sparkly shoes, I spent the afternoon practicing music with Family Band at my parent's house. A sunny walk led us to our favorite bar for dinner and reminiscing over life lessons and making plans for the future of our band. Another walk (and some free Jameson later) I was back home, bone tired, and satisfied to my core. It was a lovely, lovely day.


  1. I was afraid to read this at first title glance. LOL! But it was a good one. I love time with friends that goes into the wee hours of the night/next day. So glad you have good friends.

    1. Haha don't worry, I wouldn't submit my blog readers to those kinds of stories...probably.
