Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Slice of Life day 13 colon on the road part 2

Okay guys looks like we're back on the road again. last time I had some complaints because the title lead some readers to believe that there would be stories about actual colons. Unfortunately, this post will not include anything about my butt region.

I'm on the road again because this evening after I arrive home I will be changing out of work clothes and changing into something a little bit more rock and roll so that I can dust off my drumsticks  to see if I can still keep a beat. After that I'm going to attend a men's recreational basketball league accompanied by Bobby and Jonna. Yes we will be sneaking flasks in to this event because at least as far as I'm concerned the basketball game will not be interesting enough to hold my attention. Now that I'm thinking about it I suppose I could have just blogged during the game rather than speaking to my phone during my evening commute. Oh well.

I almost took the evening to myself to do things like clean my car or put my clothes away or get some sleep but when presented with the much more interesting idea of going to a basketball game, I decided to choose that option instead. Because as much as I'm not interested in basketball I am even less interested in completing my chores. Yesterday, a friend of mine made a joke about cooking dinner like a good wife in a post on Facebook it occurs to me that by that definition I would make a really really bad one.

The photo I chose for this post was one I took while leaving work a few minutes ago. I just liked how the sky looked, it's not relevant in any way. I just figured there should be a limit on how many of my images are hastily captured selfies.

Side note, did anyone notice that Facebook and Instagram were down today? That was a really excellent break for me, I hope they keep it down for a while. Maybe even long enough for me to break my addiction .how long does that usually take? A month? I might be thinking of how long it takes to form a habit.

Okay enough rambling, I've got to go pick up my burrito that somebody else made for me to further prove my ineptitude as a future wife. May a future neighbor take pity on my poor, starving spouse as I gallivant around the town ignoring their needs.

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