Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Slice of Life Day 11: playing settlers of catan in a bathtub

There are "normal" friends and then there are "I would stay up until 1 a.m. playing Settlers of Catan with you in a bathroom just to spend more time together" friends. These are the latter. The babies were asleep in the bedroom portion of the hotel room and the baby monitor didn't reach the stairwell so our options were limited. Niki got the toilet, Tim got the spring on the back of the door and I got my own porcelain fortress and dramatic reveal curtain. Not too shabby if you ask me.

Tim was nice enough to watch the kids while Niki and I got in some pre-Catan spa time and took turns trying to swim the length of the pool with one breath. Let's just say we are not as good at that as we used to be. I don't get to see these friends as often as I would like but there is never a moment's hesitation of picking up right where we left off. We were exhausted, and bedraggled and gassy but we stayed in that room for a solid three hours through a couple rounds of Catan with simultaneous Table Topics questions. When you spend an evening with someone who is so tired that they fall asleep with their head on a toilet during a game that they insisted you keep playing with them, you know you've found true love. I have found that for absolute certain.

They're gone now and I haven't gotten the post-visit slump yet. I think because my next visit to go see them is so soon, it doesn't feel so desolate this time. I won't be upset if I skip the slump this round. I'd rather just nourish my joyful anticipation of seeing them in the summer. If it is all under my control I am going to choose contentment this time. Let's see how that works out.

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