Wednesday, April 19, 2017

preparing for the end

You ready?

As we draw ever nearer to an impending global thermonuclear war I ask myself- how prepared am I? But also, how prepared can you really be? My mom's view on the matter is that she wants to be at ground zero- fuck all that end of days, discovering true human nature garbage she just wants to tap out. I can't say I blame her. In fact, that might be my favorite option as well. I would never want to make that decision about whether or not I have murder someone in cold blood to preserve the last bit of water for myself, or find out what it's like to be a prisoner of war, or familiarize myself with the sight of death. That sounds like the opposite of something I would be interested in.

I think my point of view might be different if I had chosen to have kids. Then it's the whole, it's not about you anymore, its about them thing. So even if you want to tap out of the situation, you would either be abandoning your family or hoping that they go right along with you and, as I understand it, that goes against everything that parenting is about. I believe it was my brother who called me the day after his first kid was born and told me that he'd never considered himself to be a violent person but when he held that baby in his hands for the first time, he suddenly knew that he could now kill someone to protect this child and not think twice about it. I mean, I love my cat but I wouldn't kill for her and I certainly wouldn't face post-nuclear dystopia for her. Sorry, kitty.

So that leaves us with, well what if you do survive global thermonuclear war? What now? First of all- fuck. Second of all- fuuuuuuuck. Third of all- get it together man, the fate of the human race is now dependent on you!......................but also- fuck.

I guess this is where having a stash of extra water bottles comes in? Some MREs? A good knife and some rope? I did actually put together a virtual survival backpack that I could use in case of an emergency. Of course back then I was only worried about a catastrophic earthquake rather than the End of Days so I imagine I'm missing some important things like a gas mask or a lead apron or one of those picture charts you use when you visit foreign countries or something. It doesn't matter anyway because I'm broke and never bought the stuff in the first place. Plus I'm sure fate would have me traveling to the other side of the country when tragedy struck so all of my supply-stocking wouldn't even matter anyway. (Maybe I need a travel kit?)

So what's really important here? Skills, I think. Knowing how to use items that you forage in order to ensure your survival. Also, lacking the moral scruples against killing your fellow man would probably be useful. I mean, I say this like I wouldn't do it if I had to but let's get real- I'm the product of millions of years of human evolution whose genes have only reached this point because of their instincts to survive and reproduce no matter what the cost. I may be sitting here wrapped up in the comfort of my pacifism but take away society and the certainty of my next meal and I'm sure I could easily tear out someone's throat the same as the next guy. But good God, I hope it doesn't come to that.

Whelp-see you later!


  1. If I lived closer we'd protect you and you could join our village. You personally don't have to be ready to kill someone as long as you surround yourself with people who can and will you'll be fine. Except for the whole nuclear winter part then we're all screwed.

  2. I think we can't truly be prepared for the unknown except in how we live each day. That will make all the difference. We will know what to do.

    1. Hopefully those survival instincts will kick in!

  3. Idaho. Go to idaho. Loved this post. I really felt your own voice in this one and it was written in a clever way. Its so cool to see your daily writing evolve naturally and grow!
