Saturday, April 22, 2017

yes, I have lost my mind

It got progressively worse.

In case you wanted further proof of my break with reality- here it is. Am I insane because I haven't gone outside today or have I not gone outside today because I'm insane? I don't know, this is one of those chicken/ egg conundrums (which is really only a conundrum if you don't understand how evolution works).

So this is me singing to my laptop instead of going to the March for Science. I hope my coworkers represent our department well without me. What started out as a cop out for writing turned into more of a pain in the ass then just putting some thoughts down into words. Then alcohol got involved and it was all downhill from there.

So, for your viewing pleasure, here is a progressive set of videos from stone-cold, stick-up-her-ass, regular me all the way to taking-shots-at-2pm-while-wearing-a-pig-crown me. I hope you enjoy.


slightly more relaxed

feelin' great!


  1. Replies
    1. Alright guys, you heard it from the source. This is where I get it from. (Possibly my dad too ;) )

  2. FAVORITE. PART. OF. MY. DAY! I literally started crying when you said the last one was dedicated to me! And the crown with pig ears made it perfect. Loved it! Also I loved on the second one when you were like I didn't know she was going to be singing with me so your welcome :) Loved Loved Loved it all! Shovel!

  3. Also from the bedroom Brian said he thought you did a good job on soul sister :)

    1. I'm working on it! Been taking YouTube singing lessons :D
