Thursday, November 16, 2017

grateful for self-expression

Like shaving my head.

Some people were appalled by this. Some people were riled up. One person actually claimed it was "the devil" that led me to do this and that I had fallen a long way from grace. I am absolutely in love with it. But what I'm in love with the most, is my freedom to be able to do it. I don't have social sanctions or spiritual guidelines or hegemonic groups "strongly encouraging" me to look or behave a certain way. I feel free to be me, whatever that means, and I don't think I could ever live without it.

Growing up in a very conservative, highly conformist region, it feels magnificent to live in a place where unique self-expression is not only accepted but exuberantly encouraged (okay I realize I didn't grow up in Saudi Arabia, but it was a place that was certainly not aligned with my personal compass). I'm going to try not to turn this into another "I love Portland" post, but it feels great to be in a city full of people who I can relate to. That guy who dresses like Darth Vader and plays bagpipes on his unicycle around town? Yeah, I get you. That homeless guy downtown who wears blue from head to toe including face paint? Yep, you're my people. Those people messing around with gender norms and fairy wings and combat boots and facial piercings? We should party.

And you know what? Most days, I just feel like being another jerk-off corporate clone with a slightly skewed wardrobe and a strange haircut. And that's fine. And on the days I want to wear a mini skirt with a giant cock on it with my pink Docs and a strap around my neck? Well let's just say I am happy to have the freedom to float my own boat.

Man, this is making me want to go pick out some outlandish outfits from my closet. Hmm, stay tuned; I may do a "strange fashion" post at some point in the future. Heavy wine use will be involved. Maybe Tricia will join...


  1. I laughed until I cried because I still live in that region you spoke of. I'll be your Portland Barbie anytime. PS Portland rules!!

  2. It is wonderful to be free to express ourselves. I embrace it every day. Here's today's post and you fit into this one perfectly:

  3. I had a mullet once, back when they were cool. I'm glad hair grows. It's the perfect outlet for finding your style because you're not stuck with it.
