Tuesday, July 2, 2019

no social media day 2: slightly more human

This weather though. What is going on? I ran home yesterday through a hail storm in shorts and a t-shirt having expected it to remain sunny (cause it's July!). Is this weather what is messing up my brain? If so, I'm not for it. Not for it at all. [Juli from the future here- turns out when I was running home through the hailstorm I was actually a block away from a tornado that was tearing through the neighborhood. Soooooo. Yep. Okay back to the blog].

Anyway, day two and I'm feeling back on track. My body overrode my brain's desire to sleep in past my designated wake up time. Thanks, body. Then my brain wanted to skip yoga citing I don't think we really need that but I listened to my handwritten instructions instead, thank goodness, because holy god did I need that. I can't even do downward dog anymore. Sheesh.

I've found myself compulsively reaching for my phone and even opening apps before remembering myself and closing them again. It's amazing how deeply ingrained that habit is for me. I still sometimes structure my thoughts as if I'm going to post them as a Facebook status. I find I'm not even interested in taking photos of things if I know they won't be posted to Instagram. When did my life get structured around my social media posts?

At open mic last night I talked to the people around me instead of checking my social media before the show and during intermission. Before bed, I re-read some old diary entries rather than zoning out to YouTube videos. I was able to reflect how far I've come in the last two years in terms of personal growth and be hopeful about the work still ahead. So I'm already seeing some positive changes in my life from being forced to stay in the present. So that's good.

I have noticed I'm incredibly sleepy though. This happened to me last week as well when I gave the "Miracle Morning" a test run. Am I using up too much energy too early in the day? Maybe I'm just sleep deprived. I'll get a full 8 tonight and see how tomorrow goes. Mental health, here I come!


  1. Seriously though about the reaching for the phone and going to apps on auto, its like muscle memory which is horrible. I find anxiety lessens for me when I spend less time on social media. It brings me stress actually!

    1. I've noticed I get this weird sense of responsibility towards my social media accounts. Like I'm letting people down if I don't post/ comment. I think you're onto something with the anxiety.

  2. I've recently ventured into yoga as well. It has been an interesting challenge both physically and mentally. I also tend to get distracted by the phone when I use it to check the time. To cure that I bought a watch and I keep the phone in a different room so that I can be more present with my loved ones. I'm glad you didn't end up in OZ, not all witches are evil. Keep up the great work!

    1. You're doing yoga?? Nice!! I should get a watch. Anytime my phone is in my hand I somehow get pulled into something. Very rarely are witches evil in my experience :D

    2. Now that I'm thinking about it, I've never met and evil witch. Only really earth-friendly, kind, self aware ones.
