Monday, July 1, 2019

No Social Media Day 1: mental breakdown

I guess it's actually rather fitting to start my lifestyle changing challenge with a mental breakdown. It further outlines my need for such a challenge and presents the potential for a nice character arc throughout the month. Also there's nothing better than a good mental breakdown to remind you that you're alive. So here I am, living.

My "Miracle Morning" turned into more of a "Salvage Afternoon". I finally fell asleep around 7am this morning after a night of no sleep. At 3pm I managed to peel myself out of bed and do some compulsive cleaning. I did these chores in silence and without tools so I considered it my meditation and physical exercise for the morning. The coffee shop next door provided my "brunch" at 5pm and now I'm completing my daily writing. I think I'll re-attempt my daily affirmations and mental rehearsal after this.

Despite these setbacks and obvious failure (happy accident, maybe?) I am not discouraged about my commitment to finish this challenge. This morning I watched one Instagram story and glanced at my FB notification menu but didn't click on anything. Youtube remains untouched. I'll give myself an A for effort in trying to body slam this wayward train back on track. This is a bump, not a derailment. Wish me luck.


  1. I'm so proud of you. First Attempt In Learning. You had an excellent F.A.I.L. keep at it. The only time you truly fail is when you stop trying. I use these phrases a lot to help me push through rough times. I hope it helps you too. We believe in you!!!

  2. I think there is a concept of "ahimsa?" Gentle loving kindness, that starts with yourself. It takes a lot of energy to judge yourself and beat yourself up, and that energy is better used in living well. I applaud your upward struggle... up is hard, down is easy. Luck . . .

  3. Shaking up your routine is a great way to break habits, so it's a perfect start!
